Here are frequently asked questions with their answers below. If there is a question you wish to ask that isn’t on here please contact us and we will reply as soon as possible.
1) What happens when I join Free Competitions?
You will be sent email notifications when we post new competitions and offers for your country. We will also send you updates on our YouTube Channel with comping tips and let you know when competitions are ending soon. We do not give your details out to 3rd parties or email you about 3rd party products.
2) How do I enter the competitions advertised?
Just click the ‘ENTER NOW’ button like pictured below and follow instructions on the following page.
8) Is it free to join Free competitions?
Yes, it is completely free to join us.
9) I don’t want to subscribe to Free Competitions. How else can I be updated?
You can add us on any of our social media platforms to stay up to date with the latest competitions and offers.