We recently found this free to enter competition online for the chance to win a free VW Golf Car to drive around for a whole year for free!
The winner will also receive free insurance for the vehicle for the whole duration plus £500 petrol money. Not a bad deal we think ,so it might be worth entering if any of you out there are in need of a new ride or you just love entering free car competitions to win a car for fun. It certainly would save you a lot of your own money if you were the lucky winner.
So if you are in it to win it and you are feeling lucky today why not give it it go! Volkswagen Golfs are great reliable cars and there is nothing to lose by entering so you might as well. It is not forever but even getting this for a whole year is pretty good. Just think how much money you would save just with the insurance paid for that whole time as well. All you have to do is answer a few questions and then your good to go. Good luck to everyone entering! Lets hope one of us win it! Fingers crossed!
If you would like to try you chances can do so on the competition page. Click on the red button above or click here for the chance to win a free VW Golf free! The terms and conditions and more info will be on the competition page for the business that is hosting it.